Sunday, November 30, 2008

Satan Visits Denny's

The famous deity type from St. Croix County was at Denny's tonight with a woman that I had not met previously. He mentioned that college has calmed me, that he has gone a somewhat different direction, and that everything keeps blowing up (including his septic system). I would hate to have shit and sewage in my basement, and I'm sure Luke agrees.

This event was notable because Satan never comes out. It was great to see this change. He was promoted at work and has a mortgage and what have you. As the oldest of the Deputies crew, I must say that I feel old in a pressing way as my high school-era friends buy property, enter marriages, and become adults in a traditional sense.

Also, a new server started tonight. She is only working a couple of nights a week. We hope this will be a suitable match for her and the restaurant.

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