Monday, January 19, 2009

Guess who I met?

Ya, it was him:


Please pay attention to the eyebrows because that was really the main point of the thingy. He had shaved them off. More about that later.

He was obviously cold because Wisconsin is fuckin' freezing at this time of the year, right? He had been dropped off by the Sheriff (or, more appropriately and likely, someone who works for the Sheriff) for running down the freeway (aka playing in traffic). And he was asking everyone at Denny's for a ride to St. Paul or Minneapolis. Not happening.

Then I snapped into work voice with all my seriousness and was like, "SIR! Excuse me, please come over here." And I got the story from him. Which consisted of a friend in the military in St. Paul leaving him in Wisconsin because of whoknowswhy but it was over 2 hours ago but a joke and this friend lives with his Grandma (sound familiar?) and cannot be called past 8 o'clock.

Now it's cold and I'm off work and not fixing to drive back there but I thought we could maybe help him out? So I asked him if he had been drinking and he said no. Then I asked him what happened to his eyebrows and Gabe lost control of his laughter-stifler bit. I did not. He said he shaved them and he thinks it's attractive. At this point in time, I knew he was on meth because a crazy person wouldn't be that way about it -- he was almost freaking out! I told him that shaving your eyebrows like that isn't normal and wasn't going to help him get a ride in Denny's.

SO. I asked him if he wanted me to find a place for him to stay for the night, with a ride in the morning...and he said, "STAY?!?!?!?!?!?!" like I offered him chlamydia (which I didn't, I swear). He then decided to put on his stuff and "jog" back to St. Paul and denied that it was cold for him.

Once a playintraffic type, always a playintraffic type? Or meth with no marbles?

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